21 April 2008

I am not sure whether the exhaustion brings on the depression or the depression brings on the exhaustion. Either way I am drained. I don't seem to have any energy for work. Of course, there's only a few weeks left before summer break and everyone is drained at this point. But I've never felt so downright burned out before. It's crazy to be so effected by elements that are so often under my control.

In fact I'm so beat that even writing about it is making me yawn. I need a nanny and a trustfund. If there are any wealthy philanthropists who give large amounts of money to individuals instead of charities, and if those said wealthy philanthropists aren't in the economic doldrums because of the recession (which has arrived), and they just happen to feel that I am a worthy cause, please write me a check. I would be greatful.

Or perhaps someone out there knows a way to rig powerball. I'm down for something like that. My moral profile has always included a slight ethical flexibility. Hell, I don't think rigging a lottery is that horrible of a thing anyway. But still, I'd probably feel bad about it, just not bad enough to forfeit the winnings.

Now if I happen to win powerball this week, someone will undoubtedly read this and suspect the worst. So let me just say it now - I didn't rig this week's powerball. There - conscience clear.


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