17 April 2008

Signs of Age

Perhaps I am growing old. It's usually a sign of age when you get frustrated with young people. I am frustrated with young people. They whine to much. They don't do shit. And they expect the world. I am old and experienced and I know that whining and laziness result not in the world but a pervasive unhappy apathetic malaise.

Young people don't listen either. I was young and lazy once, though I don't think I whined too much. And my elders gave me great advice, advice that might have changed my life. And I didn't listen because I was arrogant. And now that I am an elder, I can empathize with other elders. And we can get together and complain about the complacency of the youth. This doesn't make us any happier, though. So I will stop whining now, because that is really what I'm doing.

I am off, off to eliminate the whining laziness of our nation's youth using whatever means necessary, though I excel at chicanery and mischieviousness. And shame. And guilt. I am good at shame and guilt. Farewell.


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